A journey of faith begins……

When i received the news, i was totally shattered and in shock. There was a sense of anguish and injustice within me. For a moment, i felt so lost. I would stare into the air with mind blank. But yet, in the midst of the ‘storm’, there was just a deep peace and calmness within me.

At first i was even worried about myself, how come i have that deep peace and calmness within me despite of what’s happening, then i recalled something that took place few months back.

Myself and a sister from singapore (who is also based in the same city as me), we tried to meet regularly for prayer. At our last prayer meeting, as she prayed for me, she sensed that in months to come, i may face with some great difficulties. But she saw Jesus by my side going through with me, surrounding me with His presence. There are arrows that directing at me from all sides, but she saw J protecting me from all these harms.

At that time, when she shared with me, i have no idea what the difficulties ahead are. But now i know. I believe Father has been preparing me all these months for the news, and therefore, as i received the news, for a few minutes i felt terrible, but after that, i just experienced that calmness and peace from Father.

I know Father is in control of all things. Though men may do injustice to me, but our God is a just God, He will bring his justice some day. My part is to learn to let go and forgive. I am not able to share exactly what happen in the blog, but whoever that is reading, just like to let you know we are doing well, and that Father has been so faithful, He leads us through the storm.

Beside leading us through the storm, the Lord has also been so faithful in providing for all our needs. During our time in singapore, He just prompted different individuals to bless us financially. We were just so overwhelmed by the love of these people towards us.

The Lord has once again reminded me that He is my source of income, and He is my ultimate Boss. And that my eyes should always be on Him and not men.

So my exciting journey of faith begins, though i am not going to have stable pay check from men, but yet, i recognise that He is my source of income and Boss…He will not let us be in lack…Because He is such a wonderful and good Father.

One thought on “A journey of faith begins……

  1. Yup, our Father is good. Just keep on loving and following Him. We live to please Him not men. Our Father understands it all. You will be in my prayers! 🙂

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